Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spring Formal Pink and Red Poppy Field by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Spring Formal Pink and Red Poppy Field
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

I felt the need to step out of the studio and into the fields today, and painted Spring Formal Pink and Red Poppies based on the bobbing and dipping fields of flowers in Fredericksburg, Texas. The weather was clear, cool and absolutely gorgeous in Flower Mound, Texas. Studio Director AnnieBee bossed me away from the easel on at least four occasions to throw her toy du jour. After a busy morning of packing and shipping paintings, it was nice to have a few moments in the garden to sit, breathe, relax, and share quiet time with my pugs. I wanted to share that time with you, too, with a photo of a surprise from my garden this morning. The rest of its brethren seem spent for the season, but this morning the one, glorious white lady stood tall among the red roses.

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