Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Paradise Garden Hydrangeas and a New 2-Day Flower Painting Workshop by Nancy Medina

Paradise Garden Hydrangeas
by Nancy Medina

Class Demonstration

Oil on Archival Panel

I love walking into Flower Mound Studio a day after a workshop ends, the house is filled with the smell of fresh flowers! This past weekend, gals from Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma converged to create brightly color florals, taking home two or three new paintings each. I painted a large demonstration each morning, and in the afternoons, we completed step by step paint-along flowers together.

I'm absolutely delighted to announce a new 2-day workshop with the Trinity Arts Guild in Bedford, Texas, coming up in June - open to TAG members and non-members alike! What a perfect time of year to make flowers bloom in brilliant colors. Put a little joy in your brush and join me June 8-9 from 9 am to 4 pm. Open to beginners to advanced students, as well as those who work in water based oils and acrylics, I'll share all my favorite tips for painting in a loose, fresh style, making simple strokes of color on a transparent underpainting.

Click here to register!

 Painting Brilliant Florals in Oils
Trinity Arts Guild
Two-Day Workshop
$175 for Two Days
June 8-9, 2013
9 am to 4 pm Daily

Flower Mound Studio smelling like roses today!

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