Daily Painters of Texas

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

High Altitude Yellow Roses and a North Texas Workshop by Nancy Medina

High Altitude Yellow Roses
by Nancy Medina

Class Demonstration

Oil on Archival Panel

High Altitude Yellow Roses was my class demonstration this morning. Roses can be a tough subject to tackle in a workshop, so I shared a tip with my students: deconstruct the fresh rose you are painting. Tear off every petal, leaving about 10 petals only. Focus, with a good light source, just on those petals. Simplify your life. Simplify your rose. You are the boss of your flowers! Thus, the cascade of loose yellow petals in the foreground of my setup, below. I love finding ways to make flower painting easier. Put a little joy in your brush and let's make brilliant flowers bloom in oils! June and July are full, but there are still seats open in August! 

Read more about my workshops here...

The classroom models take a bow!

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