Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

Artist membership applications are encouraged, especially from unrepresented regions of Texas. Applicants must paint daily, blog frequently, and reside in the Great State of Texas. To apply email: INFO on Artists Of Texas and include a link to your art blog or web site for jury panel review.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

SOLD ~ Blue Hydrangea Pink Daisy Surprise by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Blue Hydrangea Pink Daisy Surprise
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Archival Panel

Blue Hydrangea Pink Daisy Surprise was my afternoon paint-along demo in class today here in the Texas Hill Country. After polishing off a dozen fresh kolaches, my students and I were properly fueled and ready to tackle a plethora of flowers! I have a nice group of gals from all over the US with me, from Santa Fe to Maryland and even though the morning started chilly, the sun was out and shining by noon. Stay tuned in the next few days for more Hill Country images but while you're waiting for those, visit my art blog to see what REAL Texas kolaches look like!

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