Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Still life in progress by Kay Wyne

Still Life in progress...

Here are a couple of pics of a still life in progress.
The set-up took alot of time and thought....
great color, texture, light, shadows and composition.   
Don Sahli and Sharon Hodges spent quite a bit of 
time setting upset it up this arrangement. Once
Sharon started painting it, I decided 
I had to get in on the fun.  Don has a 
great collection of beautiful fabrics, pottery and 
antiques to choose from when setting up a still
life for a painting...whether it is indoors or outdoors.
I quickly blocked in the abstract shapes and started 
on the colors.  

After several hours, I am getting the colors, shadows, 
light and shapes on the canvas.  I have more to do today, 
and can't wait to put more thick paint on.  More
photos tomorrow....Thanks for looking
at my art and the paintings posted here
on this blog.  Kay

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