Daily Painters of Texas

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Flowers in the Mason Jar" by Felicia Marshall

8"x 10"
acrylic on hardboard
Wow! I don't believe I actually completed this painting.  I began painting this one some time ago.  Before I began I knew it would be difficult and completely out of my comfort zone.  Usually I try to stick with one or two flowers in a painting at a time.  Painting individual petals drives me CRAZY.  So why would I paint a cluster of tiny flowers that have soft edges placed inside a highly reflective glass jar?  I must be insane. I don't really remember why it seemed like a good thing for me to paint two weeks ago (when I originally started this painting.)   Please visit my blog feliciamarshall.blogspot.com for purchase information or to view more of my work.

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