Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Running Free" watercolor by Texas Artist Linda Bein

"Running Free"
transparent watercolor
To inquire contact Linda at lindaabein@gmail.com
These horses are running free, I'd like to join them and forget all the responsibilities in life.
I have not blogged in weeks. I have been painting all summer but with teaching art classes and  summer camps everyday, moving kids to and from college, to out of state summer jobs, moving kids to their own houses, setting up and  teaching fall classes, plus the horses, cats, dogs, yard work, house work, this list is endless, I flake out before I take the photos to blog.  Of course then you have to crop and upload.  It seems there is always one more thing to do.  Oh, rearrange and paint after the kids move out.  The list just goes on. I know that we are all too busy these days and need to take time for the important things in life. I did this summer, but now that the kids are off,  I am turning over a new leaf, making time for photos and blogging.  Of course my kids are laughing because I am always turning over a new leaf, it usually relates to losing weight or working out; I just finished a bowl of ice cream.  Hopefully I will do better at blogging than dieting. At least I have made the time to paint, that's the passion. Take time to enjoy your loved ones.

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