Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Friday, May 6, 2011


8x6 on Cradled Panel

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Learning to paint is learning to see. More contrast. More contrast. To create you must think: cool, warm, related color, reflected color, dark, light, thick, thin, dissimilar spaces, opposite contrasting movements,---like music, slow, fast,; but all must relate to create symphony both on canvas or in the music hall. Every painting needs active and quiet areas and feeling of poetry and drama. If painting gray day, make it gray. Use gray and silver. If painting sunny day, use oranges, red, yellows, greens—make it happy. Every element of painting must tie together, must have unity, must express mood." -Sergei Bongart

This is such a fantastic quote and one that hits home for me! I've been reading a little about other artists and viewing their work. Dan McCaw is one artist that I've liked as soon as I discovered him. I'm trying to simplify and look at shapes and design more than the object I am painting. I am discovering new ways to look at everyday objects and it is exciting! I want to use less detail and push the boundaries (whatever those self imposed boundaries are). It is a bit scary in some ways to leave the familiar to explore and experiment. But, growing in art is why I began this blog.

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