Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring in the Valley, 30x40, by Sharon Hodges

I recently enjoyed a short trip thru the central Texas hill country, hoping to see field after field of our native bluebonnets.  I saw exactly three....bluebonnets, not fields and fields. :(  It was a bit early and it has been dry.  Nevertheless, the sun was warm, and I saw wonderful rocky outcroppings and glowing grasses, and meandering streams, the promise of a beautiful spring on its way, and I had to paint that feeling of the earth warming up after the cold winter.  (In a few months, we will be begging for those cold breezes, yes?) This painting is loaded with paint, thickly applied, lots of active brushwork.  I will post it on my website with the zoom enabled for better viewing.  This painting is currently displayed at Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas, TX. Contact me for more info. Thanks for looking at my work!

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