Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Angel with Cowboy Boots - Palette knife painting of angels by Judy Mackey

"Angel with Cowboy Boots"
14" x  11", Oil on Board

I had this image of cowboy boots...maybe it's because I'm a part of the Artists of Texas and there is a lot of Texana in our paintings....?  And I live in Texas....and I was thinking - I'd like a pair of cowboy boots...
This angel seems to be walking with a lot of spunk...big steps...like Texans...and yet lost in thought...

I hope your angel, the one who watches over you, has spunk.  That they aren't too cautious when the devil sitting on your other shoulder is whispering for you to do something you're not comfortable with - that your "good" angel isn't making you do things that are too safe...

For the Mae Wests in us!  YAY!

Website:  JudyMackey.com
If you are interested in purchasing "Angel with Cowboy Boots", please email me at judy@judymackey.com.  If you like my work, I hope you will refer me to your friends.

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