Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

SOLD ~ Winter Mix Peonies and Oranges and a January Workshop by Nancy Medina


Winter Mix Peonies and Oranges
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas
Winter Mix Peonies and Oranges is the newest painting in Flower Mound Studio, and my January workshop is coming up soon! Students are coming from South Carolina, Louisiana, Kansas, and Texas so I am planning a batch of extra special donuts for the travelers in the group. Although with the new Market Street (*sound of harps*) opening in Flower Mound, the pastries might be even fancier, if they survive the half hour trip in the car from home to the final destination. You may recall that tragic moment last year when I had the donut box open enroute, just to do a quality assurance check, of course,, and the whole box slid into the floor when I had to hit my breaks. Whomever said there is no crying in painting clearly never suffered the loss of an entire box of warm donuts.

My January workshop still has some seats open, so come on out and join us. Put a little joy in your brush and let's paint brilliant flowers together and ring in the New Year, while we're at it!

January 9-11, 2014

Painting Brilliant Flowers

9 am to 4 pm
Irving, Texas

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