Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

SOLD ~ Rosy Roses and Goodbye Morning Commute by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Rosy Sunday Red Rose
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Archival Panel

Rosy Sunday Red Rose is an original small work, drying in Flower Mound Studio. This morning when I woke up, I had an instant flash of what the day would bring: a rush hour Dallas commute, a communal coffeepot, sitting at a metal desk all day, and the bliss of budget spreadsheets. I began to hyperventilate. Then it occurred to me, no more corporate life! I'm still not quite used to being a full time artist, but this nice short-term memory of mine allows me moment after moment of realization and joy, all over again, ad infinitum! 

Now I pad into Flower Mound Studio in my flip flops and pink robe, take a peek at my painting from the previous day, and line up the paintings that need to ship that morning. This morning paintings shipped to Oregon, Florida, Maine and New Zealand, and I realized it was time to order more 18X14 boxes and more packing tape. I put that on my list, made myself another cup of tea, and meandered out to the garden to see if the Dove was still sitting on her nest. There she was, almost eye to eye with me, bravely facing me without leaving her eggs. I've decided that fear is no longer part of the equation of this new job as a full time artist. Faith, however, shall be embraced in generous quantities. I put a little peanut butter flavored bird seed near the nest, and went to enjoy the day.

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