Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Friday, May 17, 2013

Birds and Roses and a North Texas Workshop by Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Birds and Roses
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel

Birds and Roses is the newest small work in Flower Mound Studio, as I pack up the brushes, paints, palette and fresh flowers for my North Texas workshop this weekend. I have 13 students coming from across Louisiana and all parts of the Lone Star State, and I'm triple excited to bring in a batch of lovely new blossoms I found at Central Market *sound of harps* this afternoon. It is a little splurge to drive to Southlake, Texas, to sample the wares at Central Market *sound of harps* but they always have the best selection. I haven't decided yet if Little Bird is coming to class yet, we shall see what the muses say in the morning, if my mind isn't too distracted by the idea that I will be REQUIRED to pick up a few dozen fresh donuts from my undisclosed absolute best place to get donuts in Flower Mound, Texas, because this little donut shop DOUBLE GLAZES their donuts. No I'm sorry, please don't ask. I just cannot share this place, nor the address, nor nearby landmark hints. Otherwise I'd be standing in a line fourteen-gazillion miles long!

Birds and Roses - the studio models take a bow!

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