Daily Painters of Texas

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

TEXAS SANCTUARY by V. Bridges Hoyt

Frelsburg Lutheran Church, New Ulm, Texas

oil on canvas, impasto
palette knife painting with thick texture
14x11 inches

Inspired by the Frelsburg Lutheran Church, Texas, this is the third painting in my historical church series and will be featured at my "Windows of the Soul" exhibit opening August 28 at the Garden of the Dragonfly Gallery in Old Town Spring, Texas, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Email Vernita!

We hear it on the news daily.  All around us there is the heat and turbulent weather, a world in turmoil, the sins of people, the lies of politicians, rampant drug use, crimes, violence and murder.  My portrayal of the world at hand is illustrated in paint shades of red and darkness encroaching on the sanctuary of a  small church, a church that in the midst of turmoil still holds a cross high upon its steeple and offers sanctuary to all who enter. Isn't that the way of life?


  1. This painting is so heavenly. I feel that the Lord is raining down his good graces on us in this painting.

  2. Pat, thanks for your comment. I've heard pros and cons on this painting. I'm glad you see the goodness that I intended to portray ... the sanctity of the sanctuary.

  3. First impression for me was, "The fire of the Holy Spirit".

  4. To "Just Our Story" ... Thanks so much for sharing your impression. You've got it! Thanks also for viewing our blog here at the Daily Painters of Texas. Vernita



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