Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, July 17, 2023

New "Channeling Van Gogh" Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley


"Channeling Van Gogh" ©2023 Niki Gulley

Last fall I was deeply honored when the Dallas Museum of Art asked me to teach a plein air painting workshop in conjunction with their exhibit "Van Gogh and The Olive Groves." I've always loved the impressionists so this was such a fun project! To be able to demonstrate and show the museum's members how to channel their inner Van Gogh was a perfect match. Setting our easels up in the Arbor Hills Nature area in Plano, they each chose a tree and then experimented with color and mark making with the goal of conveying their feelings and impression of the scene. I chose this beauty for its grandeur and shape, causing my strokes to dance with energy and vibrancy, all in the spirit of Vincent!


E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on palette knife landscape paintings.

To see more of my contemporary impressionistic paintings, visit nikigulley.com.


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