Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, November 17, 2014

Blooming Radishes and Hydrangeas and an International Art Affair - Nancy Medina Art Workshops


 California Blooming
Radishes and Hydrangeas
by Nancy Medina

Class Demonstration

Oil on Archival Panel

 California Blooming Radishes and Hydrangeas was my class demonstration in historic Balboa Park this weekend. I was tickled pink to find the roses were in bloom on Coronado Island, when we visited my favorite cottage garden there after class. This talented group of painters included the largest collection of international students I've ever had in a class. The traveled furthest award went to six students from Singapore, Australia, and Canada, though one of the ladies from Orange County California was pretty certain her commute that morning took longer than a flight from Sydney. We also had painters from Michigan, Alabama, Arizona, New York, Idaho, and across California swinging brushes and making bright color happen. My next California workshop is going to be in....*sound of harps* Sonoma, California! That spring class in one of the most beautiful wine destinations in the US is filling fast so don't delay, I'm reserving a grape with your name on it mon cher! Read more...

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