Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Dress Number 5 of the 29 Dresses Series ~ Sunshine Poppy Party Dress Painting by Nancy Medina

Sunshine Poppy Party Dress
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Sunshine Poppy Party Dress is the fifth dress in my 29 Dresses Series, and also the fifth painting in the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge by Leslie Saeta. This party frock is a bit whimsical, and the wide black belt is designed to minimize the waist. I'm continuing my hunt for excellent fashion books for inspiration and admiration, and today received a note from a friend and excellent artist suggesting a Dior book that I can hardly wait to add to my collection! I love classic, beautiful, simple and elegant design. I think it's absolutely timeless.

Detail from the Sunshine Poppy frock....

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