Morning Garden Azure Blue Hydrangeas
by Nancy Medina
Palette Knife/Oil
I dusted off my palette knife and attempted to capture the dappled light, the warm blue purples and the chilly cold greenery of my back porch hydrangeas this morning. Morning Garden Blue Hydrangeas is packed with a punch of color, and I was in the mood for bright color, especially when I saw the back lit flowers with just a hint of azure coming through the fuschia pinks in my potted garden. I've been feeding my hydrangeas scandalous amounts of gardening fertilizer to give them a blue boost. I'm sure at some point I will learn when how much is too much, but for now they are thriving! I've shared a photo of one of the pots of blue blossoms on my art blog for you. See now why I could not resist painting them?
Morning Garden on the porch
Wow! This is a beautiful painting, Color, composition and rendering just fabulous!