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Friday, June 14, 2013

FACE No. 100 by Linda Popple

4x4 Oil on Ampersand Gessobord
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Hooray!  100 mugshots!  After painting 100 I will say that I have learned a lot about the face and about myself.  When I began this project I didn't want to commit to painting a certain number.  I had no idea if I would like painting the same thing over and over.  I've heard other artists express that painting one subject many times is a great way to learn.  So true!  I also didn't know if my free subjects were actually free.  I was concerned that my mind would wonder about their crimes and that would disturb me (a cost of inner peace) and I have to admit that there were times when that was true.  But, for the most part I was able to focus on just the face with its many expressions, hair or not, mouth open or closed, angles, etc. I experimented with many palettes, sizes of formats, and brushes.  I painted tight and loose.  Some portraits were good and some not so good.  I enjoyed painting each one and will continue this project as I have so very much more to learn.

To see all 100 mugshots click Presumed Innocent  and thanks for all the encouraging comments you made!!  Each one helped me go to the next mugshot. 


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