Neighborhood Watch
Coronado Island Cottage
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Archival Panel
Neighborhood Watch ~ Coronado Island Cottage is based on one of the outdoor scenes and interesting floral dramas of my favorite island just off the coast near San Diego, California. Visiting the island and seeing the rose and flower gardens and arbors is a feast for the artist's soul. Each spring when we visit I get out my Annual Flower Show Map and direct the hubby up and down the winding streets in search of blue ribbon gardens. Upon spotting some delectable rose arbor or delphinium bed, I shriek "STOP!" and the hubby finds a place to park while I leap out of the still rolling car barely able to focus my camera. After several gazillion dozen photos of each scene, I return to the rental car in triumph, only to find the hubby hiding behind a map pretending not to know the crazy woman with the Nikon marching all over the immaculate Coronado lawns. I suppose there is some truth to his mortification, since each time I try to hail a cottage owner to announce I am smitten with their garden, they scurry off inside and hide themselves until I wander away.
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