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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gentle Slumber Rose Bouquet by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Gentle Slumber Rose Bouquet
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board

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Gentle Slumber Rose Bouquet is drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio, and the room smells like roses today because Hannah the foster pug got a bath. She is quite shiny and clean and I can tell this little lady feels much better now that she has received the full spaw treatment. Her little nose wrinkles are fresh, her breakfast has been gently wiped from her chin, and even her collar got a good soaking today to remove all traces of past meals.

She is gently slumbering now, with a little snoring for good measure, and I'm sure in her dreams she is the back yard sentinel, chasing away pesky interlopers and sounding the alarm in case of intruders. I'm not quite sure how we got by without her in the past, she is such a vital part of the security team at the Medina Foster Home for Wayward Pugs. Visit my blog to see Security Chief Hannah in action.

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