Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Tool Time Geraniums by Nancy Medina

Tool Time Geraniums by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board

My Daily Painters Gallery
Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

What a perfect day. After getting Anniebelly and Howard's teeth all polished and cleaned at the DFW Pug Rescue no-anesthesia dental event, we dropped off the puggies and went to the nursery! I love Flower Mound Calloways Nursery! The nursery was packed. You could see the gleem of excitement in all the Flower Moundians' beady little eyes! Plants - check! Knockout Roses - check! Pretty pots - double check! Despite the blustery day, I managed to pot all my new geraniums. I didn't even mind a little dirt blowing around. I can hardly wait to see my new geraniums grow up to big plants full of blooms. I got peach, red and pink. Stay tuned, my intuition tells me there will be lots of new geraniums paintings on my art blog very soon!

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