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Friday, March 14, 2014

Jimmy Longacre_subjective realist landscape paintings_DESERT TWILIGHT

This was done from my sketch, by notes and a photo. A very difficult time of day to catch the sense of light. The sun is down and its light is refracted from the atmosphere onto the landscape below.

This is one of the times of day, like sunrise and sunset, that changes so quickly that only the most experienced and observant painter can hope to get a fairly faithful portrayal of light in a plein air painting.  No doubt that swiftly passing moment offers one of the most wonderfully gorgeous lightings on the landscape.  For me to attempt to capture it I blocked in my sketch composition and took it as far as I could in order to be ready once the sun went below the horizon.  Then, I tried to mix the color relationships and slap them in place as best I could.  Certainly not a painting that will make it to the gallery, but a worthwhile study. On another evening, I sat with my notebook and made observational notes about the effect I saw.  I also shot some photos that weren't particularly helpful except for recording where things were.  The camera's eye is not nearly as sensitive as the human eye, and you get very warped color results.  It all made for a fun time doing this version in the studio.
©Jimmy Longacre 2014
12x16 oil on canvas panel

Jimmy Longacre
subjective realist landscape paintings


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