Daily Painters of Texas

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Just Horse'n Around by Suzy Pal Powell

I normally don't have problems naming my paintings but for some reason, I had trouble naming him, and it may change! The background and mane is gouache. The rest is transparent watercolor. Also, it is on 300 lb. hot press, which is a very different paper to paint on.  If you haven't used it, it is soft and when you put the color down, if you don't soften the edges immediately it just dries there. Very quickly.  It was a challenge because the photo was back lit and the sun was coming through his eye and whiskers. I was coming home from Portales NM, and saw him in Tatum, NM and I hit my brakes, and turned around for photos! He was just beautiful, but then I think all horses are!
 It will be 18x24 framed.

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