Daily Painters of Texas

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 12-Tokio Hardware by Suzy 'Pal' Powell

Tokio Hardware
6x6 Oil on gessobord
Available $100+$8 shipping on the tab above
(Available work)
Between Plains and Brownfield, TX is a little community
that has turned into a ghost town.  It is Tokio, TX.  A very
sentimental place for many of the residents in Plains. 
 We drive through there every time we head to Lubbock. 
 It is so sad to see the old buildings falling down.  My favorite building'
 was the Post Office, and it is now gone.
The Store, School and Baptist church is falling down too!
 I have painted them all at some point in time. I took pictures back in
the 80's as I passed through taking the kids to piano lessons, and now
I am so glad that I did!   My Grandparents who would be over 100 now,
spent a lot of time in Tokio at 'Play Parties' where they danced and visited.
I love old nostalgic things, and their memory needs to be preserved
 someway even if it is just on a small piece of board.

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