Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SOLD ~ Peonies Out of Season by Floral Artist Nancy Medina

Peonies Out of Season
by Nancy Medina


Oil on Archival Panel

I went to the market today for lemons and cheese and came home with peonies, sunflowers, larkspur, and lilies. I really should not be allowed in the grocery store without adult supervision. What a surprise to find fresh peonies in Texas in July! And what a surprise to come home from my St. Louis workshop to find it's been raining in Flower Mound for days! When the pilot announced the temperature in Dallas as we landed yesterday, folks could be heard muttering...."70 degrees? that can't be right...I hope he is landing us in the right state...."

I have so many wonderful photos to share with you from my trip to teach in my hometown last week. You can see some very lovely workshop attendees on my art blog today. You'll notice one in particular has fur, and extremely elegant posture. Shasta the Studio Kitty was exceptionally helpful, coming in about once a day to meow hello and request pettings, and always willing to lend a paw at the lunch buffet. This my dears, is a kitty with a job! Howard Pee Pugpants, take a note!

Peonies under way in the studio today *hey that rhymes!*

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