Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, May 13, 2013

SOLD ~ Purple Pot Hydrangeas by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Purple Pot Hydrangeas
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Archival Panel

There is a story behind these white hydrangeas. They were the models for my painting in the garden at a Colleyville, Texas, event last week. Sitting out in the sun, they slowly but surely wilted to nothing, leaving me to finish my demo painting that day almost purely from memory. I had forgotten my favorite brush, was using the wrong canvas, and my flowers went kaput - a recipe for disaster in the midst of a big event? Well, not quite - the demo found a new home - with the hostess - hooray! I brought my wilted flowers home, thinking they were done for, and the next morning these white hydrangeas were bright and perky and fresh again! Just like new! I think they wanted to be in another painting, don't you?

The new purple pot takes a bow!

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