Daily Painters of Texas

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Blue Sunrise Pink Cow, Contemporary Western Watercolor Painting by V. Bridges Hoyt

I posted an earlier version of this painting on my blog yesterday, but this morning I couldn't resist going back in to add more contrast on the cow herself, and now I am happy with the painting. I painted this one with Dr. Ph. Martin transparent watercolor paints. They are liquid and handle differently than the tube paints. As usual I painted with a limited palette of only five colors, but atypical for me was my use of  black in this painting. My paintings are always in evolution, but I think that I am the work in progress. So here she is—final answer—Sunrise Pink Cow.

watercolor on Arches 140# cp paper
10x10 inches
© Vernita Bridges Hoyt 2011

This painting is available for purchase through The Back Room at my Etsy gallery where you can see a larger detail image.

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