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Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunny Side Up Sunflower by Nancy Medina

Sunny Side Up Sunflower by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board
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Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Sunny Side Up Sunflower just popped onto the canvas behind me suddenly, after I had wiped that same canvas twice earlier. The first try, a window with climbing roses. Wipe! The second version, pink roses. Wipe, wipe! Finally, the sunflower burst forth stubbornly onto the canvas, thwarting my efforts to abandon him for roses. I have bad news for the sunflower, my goal this year is to master roses, too. I will not forget him, I promise I will visit sunflower again ad infinitum, but I do want to fill my painted gardens with more blossoms and more varieties, and continue to grow. And roses are next on the menu. I figure if I paint a thousand, I might just get one I'm happy with.

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