Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Pine or Spruce or Fir or...a WHOLE SKETCHBOOK

Pine or Spruce or Fir___Sketch # 29 in my Colorado sketchbook, EBAY sale NOW thru Oct. 23

This title is one of my better ones! I really do not know if this tree was a pine or a spruce or a fir. All three of these types of trees are in the forests where our place is in Colorado.
A few weeks ago I completed 30 sketches in Colorado...in a hard-bound sketchbook, archival paper...I am offering the whole book!...PLEASE click here to see the web page. It shows EVERY SKETCH in my Colorado Sketchbook. It is good to see them all together in one place. See my blog for the field notes!

September 23 began my sketchbook sale. I am offering the ENTIRE sketchbook to any collector who wants it. This is not a "Daily Painting" price tag, so beware when you see the price! This sketchbook represents two weeks of work, and study and field notes. I want my closest art friends to have first shot at it, since I know your appreciation! But if no one buys it this month, I will send it to a gallery. Here is the link for the ebay sale. Below shows how each sketch fits on the page...there are a couple similar photos on my web page...please comment!


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