Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, August 14, 2023

Palette Knife Artist Niki Gulley Paints the Tuscan Countryside


"Afternoon Arrival" ©2023 Niki Gulley 
20"  x 10" textured acrylic painting on canvas panel

Cypress trees, tile-roofed stone farmhouses and undulating hills filled with grapevines and olive trees, signal that you have landed in Tuscany! Filled with energetic, thick palette knife strokes and uplifting colors, "Afternoon Arrival," welcomes you to your new home away from home. 


Next summer we will be leading a Foodie Trek to Spain and Tuscany, and an Art Trek to Iceland, so if you've always dreamed of painting, photographing and sightseeing in Europe, please join us for one of these amazing trips! Details are available on ArtTreks.org.



Please check out my website at NikiGulley.com, NikiGulley.com to see more of my impressionistic palette knife paintings.

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her contemporary Italy and European paintings.

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