Daily Painters of Texas

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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

"Fibonacci's Dream" Abstract Aspen Painting by Niki Gulley


“Fibonacci's Dream" ©2023 Niki Gulley
36” x 36" textured mixed media painting 
on 1.5" wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges

In this painting I wanted you to feel that child-like wonder of staring up into the treetops, mesmerized by the scene overhead. I chose uplifting yellows and golds contrasted against a turquoise blue sky with gentle clouds drifting by to lift your spirits. I've arranged the aspens in a spiral pattern so that you have a sense of laying on the ground, surrounded by the forest, connecting with nature and the heavens above.
Utilizing thick, curving paint strokes also adds to that joyful, playful feeling of hope and discovery.

To purchase this painting, go to https://www.nikigulley.com/fibonaccis-dream/.

For more information on my textured aspen paintings, please e-mail me at Niki Gulley.

Or, please visit my website at  NikiGulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings.


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