Daily Painters of Texas

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Autumn Aspen Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

"Orchestrating Autumn" ©2014 Niki Gulley
24" x 48" textured oil painting on wrap around canvas

I wanted this painting to be about the power and energy in nature to invigorate your spirit more so than an exact replica of the forest, so I chose to use warm vivid colors and thick staccato strokes to add to that feeling. I placed the foliage in diagonal sweeping shapes to create a sense of movement, so that you can feel the wind gently rustling the leaves and causing them to dance.

To see more of my contemporary landscape paintings, please visit nikigulley.com.

For more information on palette knife birch and aspen tree paintings, please e-mail Niki Gulley.

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