Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Step by Step Blue Hydrangeas by Nancy Medina

 Wild Blue Hydrangeas
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Archival Panel

My San Diego Workshop is Filling Fast! We will visit some of 
my favorite cottage gardens on Coronado Island and tour
this charming sea-side town, and paint brilliant flowers in oils.
Click here to register 
Wild Blue Hydrangeas is the newest small work in Flower Mound Studio, as I finish packing for my first workshop in my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri, this weekend. Visit my art blog today to see this painting created, step by step. I'll be hand-carrying my brushes on the plane, to make sure they are not crushed in transit, along with my new IPad. Some of the talented gals in my Kansas City workshop last month convinced me of the merits of the new IPad once I saw the amazing photos they were able to capture on theirs. Much easier to carry an IPad than a big ole 35mm camera in my carry-on bag. I'll be sharing photos of my Missouri class this weekend, and my students' works in oils, so stay tuned!

The flower models take a bow!

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