Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

St. Louis Blue Hydrangeas and a Hometown Workshop by Nancy Medina

 St. Louis Blues - Hydrangea
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Archival Panel

Pardon my pause button recently, I've landed safely in St. Louis and we are well into our second day of flower painting here in my hometown near the arch! Shortly after my feet touched the ground, I was whisked away to "flower row" downtown by my hosts and walked into a little bit of heaven on earth. These are the warehouses that fill an entire city block where fresh flowers are shipped in from around the country for distributors and flower shops around the state. Peonies, sunflowers, agapanthus, blue and white hydrangeas, larkspur, and more - my heart was going pitty pat and we loaded up wheeled carts of fresh flowers for my class this weekend. On Friday we painted red geraniums and today blue hydrangeas. Tomorrow - sunflowers and purple crepe myrtle as filler - what do you think, doesn't that sound like a yummy combination? Stay tuned to my art blog for more pictures, and a few stories of old St. Louis lore.

My talented students in the St. Louis sunshine!

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