Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sunny Days Container Garden and a Missouri Workshop by Nancy Medina

Sunny Days Container Garden
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canavs

Class Demonstration

Sunny Days was my class demonstration at my Lee's Summit, Missouri workshop yesterday morning. Connie Turner's Art Studio, our hostesses beautiful domain, had a yard filled with potted plants in full bloom, so we brought the outside IN and created our very own container garden. This was the charter class for Connie's place, and it was a honor to teach such a talented group of ladies. We painted sunflowers, hollyhocks, and red geraniums, feasted on lunch spreads and desserts (evidentiary photographic documentation provided here) and giggled and painted every day, sometimes simultaneously because we gals, we can multitask like that. This class in Lee's Summit, Missouri, filled up so quick we've created another one for next October - You can sign up and join us below. For you St. Louis ladies who were with us this weekend, I'll see you gals for another sold out workshop in two weeks to teach for the Greater St Louis Art Association! Turn the thermostat down to 68 and warm up your brushes in my home town and I'll see you under the arch!

My class demo...on steroids!

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