Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

Artist membership applications are encouraged, especially from unrepresented regions of Texas. Applicants must paint daily, blog frequently, and reside in the Great State of Texas. To apply email: INFO on Artists Of Texas and include a link to your art blog or web site for jury panel review.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Morning Roses by Judy Crowe

Morning Roses 7x5

Wow is life busy.  I almost made the mistake of saying, particularly if you have a family, but I know that isn't necessarily the case.  If you live in today's world and are trying to make a living-whether you have a family or not, you are most probably as busy as I am.  I so would like to move from Houston and have a cottage in the country with a lovely studio!  I am praying for that for the future.  Right now, today, though...I painted.  Yeah.  Here is the painting I produced and I hope you like it.  It is up for bid and this is the first of just a few paintings that I have left to finish my 50/50 project.  I will be counting today to see what I need to do to finish but I think it's about 10...I'll be trying to get these online and up for sale between now and Christmas.  Take care out there!  And as always, thanks for letting me in on your cyber world.  

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