Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Fleeting Moments Hydrangeas by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Fleeting Moments Hydrangeas by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board
Purchase Information

Nancy Medina Web Site

Fleeting Moments Hydrangeas is a new take on an old painting, that got a bit of holiday polish this evening in Flower Mound Studio. I boosted the greens and added some purple and blue petals to a previously rather flat looking set of white hydrangeas. I also added some tiny black seeds to my watermelon, because, for some reason, black seeds just look better on a red watermelon than white seeds.

The house is all clean and ready for Thanksgiving festivities next week, and I just got back from a visit to mom's house last night. She is doing well on her new medication for her breathing, and seemed really happy. She pulled a chair up to me at the kitchen table and put her arms around me and told me she "loved her Nan." This time last year, we were gathered around her hospital bed, and Dr. Glick had told us things did not look good. She pulled through. My mom is one stubborn gal! I am going to cherish every moment with her on Thanksgiving Day next week, her favorite holiday. I have so much to be thankful for this year.


  1. God Bless you and your sweet Mother. Enjoy the time with her.

  2. Thank you Pat, I sure do. Happy holidays to you! xoxox



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