Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Power of Art to Do Good

Stop and Smell the ..... Daisies??  by Judy Crowe
Stop And Smell the.... Daisies?  6x6  o/p

Hi Friends, 
Well I cannot believe I have let so much time go by since I posted the last time.  I have been extremely busy though.  I have been working on some larger pieces and trying to get some work done for a couple of shows coming up.  I have also been shipping some...two paintings for 2 shows that I am fortunate enough to be in.  I will be happy to share that info with you if you are interested in a later blog...but today I would like to tell you that this little painting.  This is one of my 50/50 works however I have decided to do this one a little differently.  Instead of starting the bid at $50.00, I've decided to start at $100.00.  The reason for this is that this one is for a great cause...all of the net proceeds (winning bid less shipping) will go to the efforts to help the children in Somalia through World Vision.  www.worldvision.org   World Vision is a fiscally responsible organization that is instrumental in helping children all over the world in poor circumstances.  I have had the privilege to sponsor children through them for the last 15 years.  The child that I am sponsoring now is from the Philippines...Anna Mae.  :) I began her sponsorship when  she was 6...now she is 16 and about to graduate!  Stay tuned because in coming days, I will scan and post the letter I received from her the other day with her picture.  Anyway, this painting represents what I would like to do with my art....use it for good.  If you would like to donate:

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