Daily Painters of Texas

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Larkspur, Lemons and Roses by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Larkspur, Lemons and Roses
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

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Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Larkspur, Lemons and Roses is a new painting drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio. It's been a big week in the studio, and the pug of the hour has been Howard Pee Pugpants, who celebrated his eighth birthday. Howie likes to watch TV, supervise cooking activities, bark at airplanes, and also, to our surprise, croon to guitar music. On my blog is a photo of Howie singing along with Dad on his birthday. Those who know him well won't be a bit surprised to hear that Howie sings to himself on his birthday. In Howie's world, it's all about Howie! Happy birthday to my beautiful, beautiful boy.

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