Daily Painters of Texas

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Candle Flame Sunflowers by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Candle Flame Sunflowers by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board

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Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Candle Flame Sunflowers is drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio, as the assistants wind down from a day of playing with two new squeaky toys that arrived in their absolute favorite mode - a crinkly, crackley plastic Target bag. Java learned at a very early age that every time Mom came home with one of these bags, good things were inside. As each additional pug arrived in Java's home (he was the first pug, we are all HIS GUESTS, I often tell him), he wasted no time in schooling them in the fine art of claiming ownership of anything that arrived in a crinkley Target bag. He and Annie often fight over the toys, while Howie looks on wondering why on earth they want anything that one cannot eat. Inevitably, the toy I give Annie winds up in Java's mouth, and vice versa, as if this were some rule of the pug universe. Whatever you got, is better than what I got, and I want it. Another good reason to have studio assistants about, you learn some new and important life lesson every day!

Thank you to all the kind friends who reached out to me yesterday following my post about my scary mammogram. Your words, calls and notes mean so much to me, I cannot even begin to say how much. I hope that this all is over with very quickly, each time the phone rings my stomach does a flip flop. This is really interfering with my general practice of snacking all day!

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