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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sweet Smiles Sunflowers by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Sweet Smiles Sunflowers
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Canvas Panel

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Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Sweet Smiles Sunflowers is a new painting in the studio, on a day that had a very nice moment I think I will never forget. A few moments before mom was checked out of the hospital this afternoon, and before she left for home, she received a phone call from my niece, Robin. This was the first day of College for Robin. Robin's school day ended at 2:30 pm. At 2:35 pm, the phone rang and she was calling for my mom, to tell her how it went. She had psychology today, and her friend was in the class with her. Robin really liked her psychology course. I am so proud to have a niece who has such a lovely heart that her first thought on such an important day was for her grandmother. I can't think of anything more wonderful that could have happened, can you? Robin has spent almost every weekend since she was a tiny toddler at her grandmother's house. She has spent most of her summer there, too. When my mother was little, she spent every summer at her grandmother's house. It's a beautiful tradition.

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