Daily Painters of Texas

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Poppy Daydreamers and a Dallas Arboretum Workshop by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Daydreamer Poppy Bouquet
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board

Shop in My Daily Painters Gallery
Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Daydreamer Poppy Bouquet is a new painting in the studio tonight, as I begin work on a new commission for a special little girl. I had a nice surprise today when I learned that the Dallas Arboretum had placed one of my rose paintings on the front of their Web site to announce their adult painting classes for the fall. I immediately texted mom, of course, only to hear that she had already seen it on The Facebook, thanks to my sister. Again, I have to say, mothers know everything.

I hope if you are in the North Texas region you will join me at the Dallas Arboretum for an indoor painting workshop on Saturday, October 8. We are going to have a fun day at the most beautiful gardens in Texas. I am going to keep my class size small so I can focus on every student, and all levels of experience are welcome. So hurry and sign up for Painting Flowers in Oils under the Educational tab of the Dallas Arboretum Web Site! I would absolutely love to see you there.

Painting Texas Flowers in Oils

Nancy Medina Art Workshop
Dallas Arboretum

October 8, 2011
9 am to 3 pm
8525 Garland Road
Dallas, TX 75218

Contact Megan - 214-515-6539

Featured Painting:
Wayfarer White Roses
Oil on Canvas

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