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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Heart's Harmony Hydrangeas by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

Heart's Harmony Hydrangeas
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Canvas Panel

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Heart's Harmony Hydrangeas is a new work in Flower Mound Studio, and it's another hot day in Dallas, Texas. I didn't have time to buy any fresh flowers this afternoon after work, so I pushed my paints in an abstract way to intensify some temperature changes and have fun with color. My hydrangeas are from a photo taken in Carmel, California a few months ago, a trip I now remember with great nostalgia, since we had to layer our clothing and wear jackets in the evenings. I do think that if Global warming is on its way, I'd like to be stuck on the part of Earth that freezes, rather than the part that broils.

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