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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sunlight Sunflowers by Nancy Medina

Sunlight Sunflowers by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board
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Sunlight Sunflowers is a new small work drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio today. Most of you know by now that when I am not painting, one of the things I like to do is volunteer for Dallas Fort Worth Pug Rescue. It was a good week for adoptions for our rescue pugs, especially since Lindy found her forever home.

She may not win any beauty pageants, but one-eyed, one-eared Lindy has won the hearts of her new family who adopted her this weekend. You can see a picture of Lindy on my art blog today. This little girl was found abandoned by the side of a road in Waco. Her past is a mystery, but her future is going to be filled with unconditional love. Lindy's adopted mom called today to let us know that Lindy is adjusting very well to her new home. She goes everywhere with her adopted mom. Her new mom is a special education teacher and she is going to take Lindy to her class and the children are going to have a contest to give her a forever name.

I love happy endings, especially for the innocent little animals who depend on us entirely for love and care. Thank goodness for that one good soul who saw this tiny little dog wandering down a highway, and stopped to help her.

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