Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

Artist membership applications are encouraged, especially from unrepresented regions of Texas. Applicants must paint daily, blog frequently, and reside in the Great State of Texas. To apply email: INFO on Artists Of Texas and include a link to your art blog or web site for jury panel review.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shadow Walk by Debbie Cannatella

Shadow Walk
3"x 9" (unfr) watercolor on paper

i normally paint large, slow, layered (and labored?) and was tired of this normal daily painting technique of mine, which yields large, detailed works, but few in number. So two weeks ago I told myself that I would start my day with a daily painting each morning to help get the juices flowing to work on my larger pieces. I began a blog of these daily paintings... they are small, quick and fresh. This daily painting was done before church Sunday morning, being dedicated to not "breaking my streak" of daily paintings, I got up extra early to make sure I completed one. I love the birds-eye view and often when I'm visiting an area for a workshop I'm teaching or a conference with my husband, I sketch out our hotel window depending upon what interests me. For this painting it was the long evening shadows in Phoenix Ariona. For more daily paintings, see my "Tiny Tidbits" blog.

Debbie Cannatella, LWS
website Cannatella Studio
website Artists of Texas
blog Cannatella Studio
blog Tiny Tidbits - Daily Paintings of Debbie Cannatella
blog ArtColony - a select juried web Artist Colony from the U.S., Germany, and Canada
blog Daily Painters of Texas - Texas Daily Painters

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