Daily Painters of Texas

Deep in the Heart of Texas can be found a unique blend of Artists. Follow the best of Texas Art here on the Daily Painters of Texas.

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Poppy Bliss by Nancy Medina

Poppy Bliss by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board

My Daily Painters Gallery
Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Poppy Bliss is drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio, as my grocery store sunflowers fade in a jar near my brushes. Today I am going to a real flower store, as a treat, just to see what wonderful new blossoms I can hire to model for me. Scrolling through my hundreds of flowers from the Dallas Arboretum Artscape show is fun, but it's nothing like having the blossom here in person. I've posted a few more photos for you from my March show at the Arboretum on my art blog. I hope you can join me there next year.

It has taken a week to get all the thank yous into the mail, and to get the bookkeeping finished, the price I paid from a very successful art show, thanks to you! Everyone who receives a card invitation in the mail also receives a discount coupon so send me your address so I can send you a card next year! I would love to see you at Artscape 2012!

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