Daily Painters of Texas

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Little Love Sunflowers by Nancy Medina

A Little Love Sunflowers
Oil on Linen Board

My Daily Painters Gallery
Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

A Little Love Sunflowers is my newest painting drying on the easel, and I learned this morning that grabbing a wet painting to photograph it is not always a smart idea! I'm a bit distracted, packing and preparing for my solo show on Coronado Island near San Diego, California on Saturday, April 16.

I hope you will join me as I paint in the garden at Art and Frames by Wood Gallery from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm that day. Two of my newest four foot wide container gardens arrived there Monday, Hummingbird Haven Flower Garden, pictured on my art blog, is one of them. These new works will join my largest collection of container garden paintings for my solo show at Art and Frames by Wood Gallery, just up the street from the Starbucks on Orange Avenue in the heart of this lovely island! If you are in the San Diego, California, area, please stop by that day and say hello. I would love to see you!

Art and Frames by Wood Gallery
Nancy Medina ~ Painting in the Garden
Saturday April 16, 2011
11:30 am to 5:30 pm
936 Orange Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118

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