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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Experienced Rider Only - bucking bronco painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln

9 X 12 Oil on Stretched Canvas $125
SOLD to a collector in Oklahoma
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I attended a calf working last weekend - YES, it's that time again! - and this fella was one of the cowboys roping and dragging calves. He was new to me, so I watched him intently to see how well he and his horse worked together. They caught their fair share of calves, and the horse SEEMED to be cooperative. While I was momentarily distracted by another roper, a sudden "WHOOP-EE" errupted from the mouths of the others watching. I turned quickly and frantically focused my camera on the lanky cowboy on the sorrell gelding - we had us a rodeo!
He lost his stirrups on the first hop, but didn't pull leather until buck number 5 or 6 and even then didn't hold on tight. Instead he waved one arm in the air, held on to his rope (but he did lose is calf0 and spurred that gelding until he quit bucking. And yes, he made his 8 and then some!
A round of applause was given by the spectators, and the cowboy went back to work as if nothing had happened. The horse didn't act up for the rest of the day, as far as I could tell.
I asked him later if the horse was a regular bucker, and he replied, "Well, Mam, I just bought him yesterday, and they told me he did buck some". I have a feeling that this cowboy has done some time riding broncs in competitions and it won't be long before "Bucky" finds out that he has finally met his match!
I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!

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