Daily Painters of Texas

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Experienced Rider Only 2 - roping cowboy and bucking horse painting by Debbie Grayson Lincoln

16 X 20 Oil on Stretched Canvas $465
Includes shipping and insurance in US
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Price: $465 USD
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I just had to paint this again in a larger size - this time using mostly a palette knife and lots of paint.
Texas is in the throes of wildfires - some not too far from me. I just stepped outside to photo this painting, and the odor of smoke is heavy in the air - the wind is still high and coming from the direction of the worst fires. Dallas is getting rain right now, but it is as if there is a giant umbrella over this part of Central Texas. And the irony of all this is that since we had such a nice, wet summer last year, all that lush vegetation is now a tinder box of fuel in these winds. Please pray for Texas - and the rest of the world suffering from climate catastrophes. We are all surely being tested. 
If you are interested in this painting, click here to send me an email. I accept checks and Paypal. I can also arrange LAYAWAY. To view my latest paintings on Daily Painters go HERE. To view larger paintings, go to my Website HERE. To view a wealth of OTHER Texas Artists, enjoy THIS site!

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